Samstag, Februar 11, 2006

Slacker Myself

I am so embarrassed. I have not gotten a chance to read anything in the news lately nor to keep my own blog running. Now I understand why I came across so many blogs that were outdated when I started out with my blog. It actually takes time to write things and second which is almost equally as important you have to be able to have an opinion on something worth writing about. I admit I currently lack both. My work is taking up a lot of my life. Unfortunately I am bound from publishing it. Only so much, it sucks all my creativity I have left out of me. There are no guidelines on how things have to get done. There is no format or precident, only expectation of what the result should be like if it turns out to be what is expected. But like so often, the more people involved the more differ the expectations on what the result should look like. Still leaves me with the question on how do I get there. I am trying on my own to go beyond the traditional modeling and move into more dynamic modeling, allowing VARs to replace the current forecast systems. You should see the resentment and irritation I earn from my superiors for even attempting to think outside the box. But where else do you find true progress if not resisting the "that's not going to work!" or "why would you do that if the old way still works?" So I want to put in the extra mile to see where this leads, if it doesn't help, then I at least can say I tried.
On another note, I am so proud. My daughter and I spent all morning watching the Olympics in Torino. Last night we had a party for the opening ceremony and it makes me feel so good to see how much she is interested in the games. I can't describe what it means to me. The Olympic spirit of "participation is all" has been with me for all I can remember. To be there and give your best, even when you know that there are others out there outscoring you and still be proud of taking part and giving it all, is so fabulous. There is not a better lesson in life that I want my daughter to get. There is no better role model then Eddie "the Eagle" Edwards ( ) -- link below title -- in my view. Passion was my favorite theme of the ceremony that could not have been more colorful and fantastic than from Italian's beauty-oriented and passionate people. No-one combines better being relaxed/laid-back and yet enjoying life and be succesful. Where can you learn to be like that? Anyway, I envy the athletes and as every time I watch the Olympics it tickels me to go out there and persue my own passion. And here is the sad part, I have no passion I currently persue. Reality tells me that these Olympics won't change that neither, but I can still dream. I mean that is also part of the Olympics that you can dream of winning your goal, right? With that, lets see how long it takes until I write the next post and how much of a contribution that is.
Let the Games begin!