Donnerstag, April 28, 2005

Burning down the house

I feel so awful. Two doors down, my neighbors' house burned down. When we got back this afternoon there were 8 fire trucks, a helicopter, ambulances, police cars, and lots of spectators in the street. I had to go to a meeting and when I came back at 10pm, there were still people working on the house. Rumors has it that it is unsuitable for living at this point. Now I am not sure whether I should go over and offer my help. But on the other hand I don't want to be nosy. I am also very tired, I just can't help thinking what would I do if this was us. Would I want someone show up? What would I feel would help me in such a situation? Would a pot of coffee do? Or ignore the misery, not my problem? That I feel is a sad answer.

Dienstag, April 26, 2005

Economists are lousy bloggers

Okay, I am jealous since economists are not lawyers. Law blogs are amazing, economics blogs are almost none existant. If you look around blogger, there is almost no blog that has been maintained passed 2004, if there is an entry at all. WTF.
Instead, I find that those whose blog suppose to contain economics or statistics is (like mine) more personal and less field related!

Anyway, I finally got the job of my dreams. Kind of scary, first being unemployed for almost 4 entire months and then the endless interviews. I am so overwhelmed with joy, but now I need to get going on my projects before time runs out and I have to work. Cool, I will be an analyst now and get to do the statistics to work, too!

It takes a lot of burden of my shoulder.

I found some nice ones but I have to figure out how to link!

Sonntag, April 17, 2005

Noch was

Gestohlen, geklaut, gelogen, geraubt, gewonnen, gefunden, gestern, gerne, güter, günstig, gewesen, gesessen, gelaufen, gegessen, genommen, gegeben, gelernt, gefeiert, gefeuert, gesprochen, gesagt, gefragt, geglaubt, geflirten, geflittert, gewusst, getan, geschockt, geschworn, gefleht, gestartet, gespielt, geschlafen, gehandelt, getrunken, gesehen, gereist, gerechnet, geführt, geflogen, gestopt, geklappt, gedacht, gelacht, gehustet, gehaust, gerudert, gezählt, gewacht, ganz, gut, geliebt, getroffen, genau. Heiter, ich, jetzt, kabel, lieber, man, nach, oder, pallawer, quamquam, rein, sinn, tun, über, voll, wegen, xtrovatiert, yemine, zart!
und du?

Samstag, April 16, 2005

was fuer ne nacht!

kein problem! Unbequem, aber heiss! Mal sehen wo es uns hinzieht oder wie es weiter geht. Ich wette morgen geht es weiter.
Bald ist Juli!

Mittwoch, April 06, 2005

Citizen? Where?

Alright, yesterday, my town had elections. "Superelection" they called it, because the combined elections for the city council, the two school districts boards, the township and even more. Now, I have to admit, as non-citizen, legal alien, I am tempted to get citizenship just for that reason! I was surprised to read that the voter participation was 22% for the city council! Wonne-woppe 22%, that is less then a quarter of the population of the city, granted it is 22% of the entire population including the 0-18year olds who can't vote. Actually if you take out the population of 20years and younger, that's all I could find online, it is just 26% voter participation (on 2003 population data, so that has changed giving that our city is still growing crazy -- and I am not talking here of mental problems!). No much better. How can a city justify running with barely a quarter of its population picking the council members. I really don't understand how residents, of non-citizen nature, can't vote for the city council! I do understand that legal aliens shouldn't have anything to say who will be the next president, but city council? Seriously? What are they afraid would happen? That the foreigners hijack the city? Force people to drive on the left side of the road with in city limits? After all my daughter is attending the local schools, shouldn't I have something to say who governs these schools? That's when I feel like I am a resident of second class! If they try to teach my child that creationist crap or mismanage the math department, I am not supposed to vote off the guys up there?
If I would like my European citizenship and origins I would be a citizen by now!